"These results indicate that adding dextrose or starch to electrolyte mixes does not increase rate of absorption or retention of electrolytes. Dextrose may still have some value in improving palatability of electrolyte mixes, but the higher the dextrose content, the lower the electrolyte content of the product. This means high-dextrose products supply lower amounts of electrolytes per kilogram and may be less effective as a result."
Electrolyte Supplementation in Horses: No Benefit to Include Sugar
"Like all mammals, horses have a thirst response, a physiological trigger that tells them when to drink. This mechanism keeps horses from becoming dehydrated in everyday situations, and is dependent, at least in part, on electrolyte balance. The thirst response is thought to hinge on sodium concentrations in the blood. In instances of light sweating, water is released, but the amount of electrolytes lost is minimal. The body recognizes this water loss and seeks to replace the deficit. In instances of heavy or prolonged sweating, however, water and salt are both lost, and the sodium concentration of blood may not rise appreciably. So, horses will not drink even though they are dehydrated.
Only hydrated horses should be given electrolyte supplements. Dosing severely dehydrated horses with electrolytes will likely transfer precious water from circulation to the gastrointestinal tract, thus compounding the dehydration. Before electrolytes can be given, horses must drink or receive liquids intravenously. Despite this knowledge, some endurance riders give electrolytes to endurance horses that are mildly dehydrated."
Pass the Salt: Endurance Horses and Electrolytes
Entäpä se sokeriton elektrolyytti, jota voisin tarvittaessa kuvitella käyttäväni? Tarpeeseen vastaa Finish Line tuotteellaan Apple-A-Day.
Akseli on sinänsä hyvä makutestaaja, sillä esimerkiksi lisäsuolalla maustetut ruoat hevoseni jättää poikkeuksetta syömättä. Suolan maku ei ole Akselin mieleen sitten lainkaan. Minua vähän mietityttikin Apple-A-Dayn maistuvuus, mutta yllättävää kyllä, suolanirsoilijani ahmi pöperönsä Apple-A-Daysta huolimatta! Tuotteessa on voimakas omenantuoksu ja se on kieltämättä aika herkullinen, ainakin omistajan mielestä. Ehkäpä hevosenkin mielestä?
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