perjantai 27. helmikuuta 2015

Erään toisen hevosen tarina

Katsoin Youtubesta alunperin erään videon, jonka perusteella löysin tarinan eräästä PSSM-hevosesta. Minun huomioni kiinnitti videon kommenttikentässä oikeastaan yksi lause:

"However, the rider must be attuned to the horses capabilities during every ride, and adjust the workload accordingly so as not to hurt the horse."

Kyllä! Mikäli hevonen tuntuu huonolta, ei ole mitään järkeä lähteä vääntämään suunniteltuja harjoituksia väkisin kasaan. Erityisesti sairaan hevosen kanssa on supertärkeää olla herkin aistein liikenteessä, kuulostella hevostaan ja toimia sen mukaan. Hevonen ei todellakaan temppuile huvin vuoksi tai ilkeyttään. Johtuipa temppuilu mistä tahansa, hevosella on siihen syynsä. Syyn löytäminen jää ihmisen vastuulle.

"When my horse acts out, it is an excuse to get out of work. He knows what he is doing."

Statements like that just get under my skin. Unfortunately, I overhear them often in  my travels. I want to butt into the conversation and insert, "So, your horse just sits plotting and planning all day, waiting for you to show up so it can run through a series of behaviors that it knows will agitate you? It seeks to ruin your day?".

Horses do not make excuses. They are in the moment and behave accordingly. Either the horse has learned the undesireable behavior through association, or the horse is scared/confused/unable. Such comments appear to be an attempt to cover up the inability of the rider to empathize and focus on something other than their own needs in the relationship."

Lainaus on Tolaksen kotisivuilta. Tolaksen hevosen Eddien tarinan PSSM-taudista voi lukea kokonaisuudessaan täältä. Tässä vielä yksi lainaus kyseiseltä sivulta:

"He had a history of a right hind leg abnormality. Through veterinary examines and diagnostics, chiropractics, acupuncture, massage therapy, equine applied podiatry and careful training , we were unable to figure out the cause. It almost has a look of Shivers or maybe even Stringhalt-like. It only could be seen while turning in small areas and very infrequently at a walk.


Ed, a horse who loved being groomed, was becoming unhappy during grooming and girthing. I had owned him for over 8 years, and had purchased him as a 3 year old. What was going on with my horse?"

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