keskiviikko 9. heinäkuuta 2014

Väärin diagnosoitu ja väärinymmärretty

Löysin ainakin minun, PSSM-hevosen omistajan näkökannalta katsottuna, koskettavan artikkelin.

Misdiagnosed & Misunderstood - PSSM in Horses

"Your Horse May Be Willing But Unable

I've heard it all... "You've lost your place in the herd, she doesn't respect you. She looks fine. You need to ride her more. She's smart, but she's lazy. It's her hocks. It's her stifle. If I were you, I'd sell her and get a horse you can ride."

I heard all the above and much more over the years of trying to find a diagnosis for my 1999 Quarter Horse mare, purchased in 2001. Doc Bar, Three Bars, Poco Bueno, and more great horses all lined up in her pedigree, and all the potential in the world, but I could barely get one good day of riding out of her. It took me ten years, but I recently figured out that she has been afflicted all this time with something called Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy or PSSM (referred to as EPSM in draft horse breeds).

I and my horse are not alone: the horse world is slowly learning that this is a fairly common disease in certain breeds that very often goes undiagnosed.


This disease most likely covers a broad range of symptoms and severity. This means that there are probably many more horses out there like my own that are living undiagnosed or misdiagnosed -- and thus, misunderstood."

Artikkelin voi lukea kokonaisuudessaan HorseCityn sivuilta täältä. Mikäli kiinnostus heräsi, suosittelen myös tutustumaan artikkelin kirjoittajan omaan sivustoon "Sage By Nature". Hän kirjoittaa hevosestaan ja sen tarinasta kauniisti, mutta realistisesti.

When life puts you in tough situations
Don't say "why me"
Just say "try me"